7 Innovative VST Synths for Music Productions
Presenting you the most innovative soft synths on the market available today. It’s a perfect synth vstis for movie sound designers or…
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Addictive Drums 2
Explore the sophisticated Native Instruments' Indian Drum and Percussion VSTi is a vast library of rhythmic patterns and historic scales,…
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Ample Guitar T Acoustic Guitar VI – Review
Ample Guitar T is a virtual acoustic guitar which is based on samples of a Taylor 714 Acoustic Guitar. The Library is powered with 4112…
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PreSonus StudioLive 24 Digital Console/Recorder:
This third-generation StudioLive mixer is fully recallable, with 25 touch-sensitive, motorized faders and 25 recallable XMAX preamps. The…
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Review – Evolution Steel Strings
A handsome review on Evolution Steel Strings. No other acoustic guitar sample library or virtual instrument has achieved the same level…
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Cinematic Strings 2 – Quick Walkthrough
Cinematic Strings 2 is a versatile orchestral vsti of the original orchestral strings sample library. Featured with warm luscious tones…
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Getting starter with Presonus Studio One
This video covers all of the basics you need to know to get started making music with topics including the start page, adding instruments,…
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Presonus Studio One – Best DAW
Studio One® 4 is equipped with efficient, single-screen interface which comprises an unlimited number of tracks, intuitive editing tools,…
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Indian Drum and Percussion VSTi
Explore the sophisticated Native Instruments' Indian Drum and Percussion VSTi is a vast library of rhythmic patterns and historic scales,…
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Amazing 40 Guitar Techniques to Learn
Amazing 40 guitar techniques to learn. Beyond that, this is amazing simply as a piece of music, beautifully done. This video covers the…
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A Large Orchestral Session At Air Studios
Witness in real time how quickly you can record orchestral players in London. Music Composer Christian invites you to the control room at…
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Emotive Strings – Tutorial
EMOTIVE STRINGS offers you soaring legato lines and brilliant arpeggios - expressive, playable melodic string phrases in true-to-life…
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5 Best MIDI Keyboard Controllers To Buy
Looking for the best MIDI keyboard for your home or pro studio? Following are the few best midi controllers available that fits to a handy…
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VST Guitar – AmpleSound AGT
Ample Sound (Beijing Ample Sound Technology Co. Ltd), founded by Kane Kang, Shaoduo Xie and Jie Chen in 2011, is devoted to music…
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Journey to the Edge of the Universe
The story of the universe, is also a belong to our story. Historically, humans have been exploring the secrets of the universe.
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La – Luvia
Life is full of beauty. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential and be positive always.
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